Each candidate without corporate board experience must be nominated by at least one Endorser Member of the BIO Boardlist. Eligible candidates for the talent marketplace are women, people of color, and individuals who identify as LGBTQ+.
We suggest, though it's not required, that Candidates on the BIO Boardlist meet at least one of the following criteria:
- [1.7.10][ssp/smp][汉化]爬墙红石MOD-Redstone Paste ...:2021-12-29 · 参与人数 16人气 +15 金粒 +93 收起 理由 gkc1wt + 1 + 18 MCBBS有你更精彩~ Solop + 1 MCBBS有你更精彩~ 1822112721 + 1 楼主你太帅了~ 1424813035 + 2 Mcbbs有你更精彩~ 无聊的囧 + 15 终于等到1.7.10的了!
- Previous experience on boards (including nonprofit, advisory) a plus